










Startup Disk

BrennacodesOS is a fake web-based operating system built with Svelte. It was originally modeled after the first Mac OS, but one thing led to another and I took a few creative liberties along the way. Everything here was built from scratch, including the icons, wallpapers, and of course the apps, and desktop environment itself. You'll likely get a better experience and more features by viewing this site on a laptop or other computer with a full web browser, but you can enjoy it on mobile, too. It's a labor of love and may never be done, I have plans to add fun and interesting features as I go.
So, go ahead - click around. You might find a few easter eggs... Enjoy!

Notable Features:
  • Change some settings.
  • Poke around in the terminal.
  • Read some blog posts.
  • Run a few calculations.
In Progress & On the Wishlist:
  • Add a few games! (trying to update Pacman for Svelte, and thinking about adding Solitaire or Minesweeper!)
  • Add support for dark mode.
  • Fix window resize-ability & color update on state change.
  • ...suggestions? Let me know!

About Me

Brenna Stuart of Brennacodes - dithered rendering

My name is Brenna Stuart. I live in Boulder, Colorado with my furry companion, Leeloo (Dallas Multipass). I freaking love code, I love learning, and I love creating things. Professionally, I'm a software developer working on an iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) system usinig Ruby on Rails, Turbo, Stimulus, Postgres, and some Bootstrap. Personally, I've messed around with vanilla Javascript, a bit of React, Python, SwiftUI and... Svelte! When it comes to code, I believe it should be clean, it should be tested, and it gets bonus points if it looks good and/or finds ways to pleasantly surprise me.

When I'm not nerding out full blast, I like to get outside to enjoy the Rocky Mountains, listen to Hidden Brain, and dive into whatever the random of craft of the moment might be. I've always loved cars (I've been known to do my own car work) and I'm pretty sure I was a racecar driver in an alternate life. I also love connecting with other developers, helping raise people up and learn from those around me. So, if you're reading this, chances are we'd have plenty we could talk about. Go ahead and reach out!

Where to Find Me
